My Kind and caring animal friends


My Kind and Caring Animal Friends

I am pleased to announce the release of My Kind and Caring Animal Friends, a delightfully illustrated children’s book featuring a host of my whimsical animal characters. Each has a message to young readers and adults alike about kindness and caring.

The book is $19.95 including shipping and handling charges within Canada.For international orders and payments via Paypal, Visa or Mastercard, go to in your browser.

You can also order by e-mailing me for e-transfer purchases at


Hi, my name is Gary.

I am a Nubian goat. We are known to be very friendly goats who love to meet people. I live in a field in a country called Barbados. Many people visit my homeland…


My name is Buddy.

I was born to give love to my people. Mama Anne and Papa George take good care of me. They feed me, talk to me, walk me and keep me safe. They also give me treats…


Anne Boody Horwood

Anne lives in Meaford, Ontario Canada. A former journalist and communications specialist, she picked up a paint brush for the first time after retiring. Given her love of animals, many of her paintings are whimsical depictions of them.

Anne believes one is never too old to be young at heart, playful and creative. She finds painting animals and bringing them to life through words, inspiring.